Microsoft DirectX 8.1 (C++)

TIMECODE Structure

The TIMECODE structure contains basic timecode frame count information.


typedef struct tagTIMECODE {
    WORD   wFrameRate;
    WORD   wFrameFract;
    DWORD  dwFrames;



Number of frames per second. Specify with one of the following values:

Value Description
ED_FORMAT_SMPTE_30 30 frames per second.
ED_FORMAT_SMPTE_30DROP 30 frames per second drop frame (actual rate 29.97 fps).
ED_FORMAT_SMPTE_25 25 frames per second.
ED_FORMAT_SMPTE_24 24 frames per second.


Fractional frame. Full scale is 0x1000.


Timecode value as a binary framecount.


Fractional frame can be used to indicate temporal offset into frame when timecode was actually read from an external device; for example, wFrameFract=0x7ff means the timecode value was read from the device at the end of the first video field.

See Also